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Temporary Superheroine eBook Irene Vartanoff

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Temporary Superheroine eBook Irene Vartanoff

This had me gleefully chortling all the way through.

Okay, here's the premise: Chloe, our heroine, is a snarky, wise-ass writer/artist, creator of "Average Chloe," an internet comic. She's lost her Manhattan apartment, control of her computer, her un-sexy boyfriend, and now maybe her mind. Something from another universe is bleeding through into hers: a malevolent Purple Menace from a comic nothing like Chloe's realism-driven art. And Chloe is discovering that she possesses slightly modified superpowers (she can fly, but only with restrictions) and must defeat the Purple Menace.

It's screamingly tongue-in-cheek. Scenes alternate between our world, where Chloe unexpectedly is invited to be on a talk-show (thpugh she is now homeless). But then she's propelled through "junk magic" into an alternate universe where computers never caught on, where both genders wear chic 40's-style hats, and where the Purple Menace can rebuild whole segments of reality. Oh, and it's spiced up with sexy encounters between Chloe and a mysterious billionaire who may be good or bad. Yum!

She also engages with fictional elder statesmen of the comic book universe -- and I strngly suspect they may be homage to real elder statesmen. Not naming names, but use your imagination.

Chloe is the centerpiece she's a girl with an attitude: cheeky, flippant, nervy, mouthy, disrespectful, sexy, and thoroughly involving as a character.

Vartanoff knows her business: she started as a prolific and incisive fan-writer She has written numerous comics over several decades and worked on the staff of both DC and Marvel. As a collector as well as a writer, she is one of the people with the deepest knowledge of the history and culture of classic comics.

In fact, this reader wonders if Chloe isn't a self portrait: editors nicknamed Vartanoff, when she was the ingenue fan writer, "Poison Ivy" and "Impish Irene." One also suspects that the novel includes in-jokes that will set a long-time fan of the comics hysterically laughing. If you're a comics fan, read and decide for yourself.

I, for one, can't wait for the sequel.

Read Temporary Superheroine eBook Irene Vartanoff

Tags : Temporary Superheroine - Kindle edition by Irene Vartanoff. Download it once and read it on your Kindle device, PC, phones or tablets. Use features like bookmarks, note taking and highlighting while reading Temporary Superheroine.,ebook,Irene Vartanoff,Temporary Superheroine,Irene Vartanoff,Fiction Fantasy Contemporary,Fiction Superheroes

Temporary Superheroine eBook Irene Vartanoff Reviews

One of my book clubs, (science fiction), selected Temporary Superheroine for our June meeting. As a whole, the group enjoyed it. We had a good time trying to tie different characters and comics companies to the real world. The only real complaint was the amount of Chloe's internal "churning". It tended to make the story drag at times.
There was a lot of discussion and speculation on the mirror universe. How could D. Dave have such an influence on it? Did he actually manage to create that universe and if so, how? The concept is fascinating. I hope that we get more detail in the next book. Also, as a group, we felt that Chloe needs a better man in her life. We don't trust Eric!
A somewhat lackluster debut novel, it does provide an interesting take on thr superhero mythos. However a poorly presented storyline and cardboard characters take it from silver age homage to somewhat tedious, especially in the last third of the story, where the main characters do exactly what you hope they won't.
I read TEMPORARY SUPERHEROINE and I found the book ironic and interesting. The roots ad experience of working at a comic book publisher was there and the characters were fascinating. There were the usual lineup of characters, but what made the book so fascinating was the juxtaposition of independent comic books and the traditional type. Both were represented, as was a heroine turned superheroine who was caught between her dreams of seeing indie comics take their rightful place and hanging onto the getting through life by the usual means of having a traditional job. Being thrust into the position of superheroine was difficult, but thee was a muted joy and then the destiny thrust upon her embraced with reluctant at first and then getting down to business with no more regrets or fears. I found the book pedestrian in the first chapter or two, but then the simple prose and unusual style kept me turning pages until I was unable to put it down. Surprising at first and definitely satisfying, leaving me wanting more.
Comics (especially the Silver Age ones) definitely have their own, sort of hokey world. This book manages to make fun of that while still showing a love for the genre.
The alternate universe was cleverly imagined and vividly portrayed. Comics fans will have fun recognizing the real-life industry legends who inspired many of the book’s major characters.
This is a silly romp through comics of the silver age variety. It's more romance than action for a good bit of it, but it was enjoyable. Not enough for me to go out and buy the next volume at full price, but if it comes up for a dollar for , I might purchase it.

You can tell that the author is steeped in comics from the large number of little in-jokes to Marvel's history.
I was reading some of my old comics from the 1960's, and as usual, there was a letter in the letter column from Irene Vartanoff. I thought, I wonder what she's up to now? Wikipedia told me she later worked for Marvel and DC, and is now an author. This story borrows from that 1960s era while taking place in the current time. It's a lot of fun, reading about characters and settings that seem plucked from 60s superhero comics, with a parallel world comparison to our world. The comics expected us to have flying cars as a regular thing by now, but they also expected powerful computers to be big huge machines with lights and levers. Irene creates a universe where this all makes sense, sort of. The characters may not be as deep as in today's popular literature, but compared to those old comics, she takes them so much farther and it's quite entertaining. And if you're a comic fan, you can recognize many popular figures from the comics, both fictional and real.
This had me gleefully chortling all the way through.

Okay, here's the premise Chloe, our heroine, is a snarky, wise-ass writer/artist, creator of "Average Chloe," an internet comic. She's lost her Manhattan apartment, control of her computer, her un-sexy boyfriend, and now maybe her mind. Something from another universe is bleeding through into hers a malevolent Purple Menace from a comic nothing like Chloe's realism-driven art. And Chloe is discovering that she possesses slightly modified superpowers (she can fly, but only with restrictions) and must defeat the Purple Menace.

It's screamingly tongue-in-cheek. Scenes alternate between our world, where Chloe unexpectedly is invited to be on a talk-show (thpugh she is now homeless). But then she's propelled through "junk magic" into an alternate universe where computers never caught on, where both genders wear chic 40's-style hats, and where the Purple Menace can rebuild whole segments of reality. Oh, and it's spiced up with sexy encounters between Chloe and a mysterious billionaire who may be good or bad. Yum!

She also engages with fictional elder statesmen of the comic book universe -- and I strngly suspect they may be homage to real elder statesmen. Not naming names, but use your imagination.

Chloe is the centerpiece she's a girl with an attitude cheeky, flippant, nervy, mouthy, disrespectful, sexy, and thoroughly involving as a character.

Vartanoff knows her business she started as a prolific and incisive fan-writer She has written numerous comics over several decades and worked on the staff of both DC and Marvel. As a collector as well as a writer, she is one of the people with the deepest knowledge of the history and culture of classic comics.

In fact, this reader wonders if Chloe isn't a self portrait editors nicknamed Vartanoff, when she was the ingenue fan writer, "Poison Ivy" and "Impish Irene." One also suspects that the novel includes in-jokes that will set a long-time fan of the comics hysterically laughing. If you're a comics fan, read and decide for yourself.

I, for one, can't wait for the sequel.
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