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[TSV]⇒ [PDF] Gratis Earth Unaware The First Formic War Orson Scott Card Aaron Johnston Books

Earth Unaware The First Formic War Orson Scott Card Aaron Johnston Books

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Earth Unaware The First Formic War Orson Scott Card Aaron Johnston Books

I was looking forward to reading this and now wish I hadn't. A rip off, this book spends far too much time meandering about in long winded sub plots with uninteresting characters. I didn't think card could write a worse book than Empire, but this comes close. It makes promises it doesn't keep, then ends with a flat, resounding thud. If there is a sequel, I may pass on it. Very disappointing.

Read Earth Unaware The First Formic War Orson Scott Card Aaron Johnston Books

Tags : Earth Unaware (The First Formic War) (9780765329042): Orson Scott Card, Aaron Johnston: Books,Orson Scott Card, Aaron Johnston,Earth Unaware (The First Formic War),Tor Books,0765329042,Science Fiction - Military,Science fiction, American.,Science fiction.,Space warfare,Space warfare;Fiction.,110301 Tor Trade-Tor Hardcover,AMERICAN SCIENCE FICTION AND FANTASY,CARD, ORSON SCOTT - PROSE & CRITICISM,FICTION Science Fiction General,FICTION Science Fiction Military,Fiction,Fiction - Science Fiction,Fiction-Science Fiction,GENERAL,General Adult,Monograph Series, 1st,Science Fiction,Science Fiction - General,Science Fiction Action & Adventure,Science Fiction Space Opera,Science fiction, American,United States,enders game; enders game series; battle school; aliens; alien contact; alien invasion; ender wiggins; ender universe; science fiction series; science fiction books; books science fiction; science fiction space; space opera; books space opera; action and adventure books; hard science fiction; science fantasy books; science fiction and fantasy books; best science fiction books; books sci fi; american science fiction,FICTION Science Fiction General,FICTION Science Fiction Military,Science Fiction - General,Science Fiction Action & Adventure,Science Fiction Space Opera,Fiction - Science Fiction,American Science Fiction And Fantasy,Card, Orson Scott - Prose & Criticism,Science fiction, American,Fiction,Science fiction

Earth Unaware The First Formic War Orson Scott Card Aaron Johnston Books Reviews

Prequel to Ender's Game with a wide variety of multiple POV characters. Slow start and does not really get into the actual alien invasion in this book. This story is about the detection of the Formics. Builds up the back story and universe of Ender's game. Great character development. Great book for fans who are interested in exploring the what occurred prior to the ender's game series. Not as much action in this first book, mostly character development.
I have heard of Orson Scott Card a lot. I guess that is not hard to do when you live in North Carolina near him. Recently, I was looking for something new to read and finally broke down and purchased the series. I had to do some research before I made the purchase because I wanted to start from the beginning. This is it - the beginning. I can't, for the life of me, figure out why I resisted reading his books for so long but I am glad I finally did. This is good reading. He seems to know the science behind what happens in the book and that is always nice as some authors don't know their A__ from a hole in the ground and it always detracts from the story. His attention to detail reminds me of Ray Bradbury and that is not a bad thing. (Not comparing him to Bradbury - just commenting on his attention to detail.) This is only the first of his books that I am reading and, to be completely honest, I am not finished with this one yet - but I am hooked. This is hard to put down.
This was my first Orson Scott Card book.

After seeing the recent ENDER movie, I wanted to get into the Ender story universe that Card created, but rather than reading the first book, I decided to start with the prequels, so that I could follow the story in proper chronological order. So, having said that, I haven't read any of the other books (besides Earth Unaware, Earth Afire, Earth Awakens), so I'm not really privy to the whole Ender universe-story yet

I first started reading the sample of this book before buying it, and after my purchase, it was difficult to set down the book (actually my kindle) and I read thru this book in a span under two weeks. The story seems to move quite fast, and you're introduced to various characters that you love (or grudgingly tolerate) and see things from their unique perspectives. There are unexpected things too, such as sadness from an unexpected loss, the thought processes of how one makes a decision, and revealing perspectives of systems and people.

*Spoiler Alert*
If you read this book, you'll find that it's "unfinished". It has an ending, but you really need to read books 2 (Earth Afire) and 3 (Earth Awakens) to get the full story. Even still, apparently 3 more books are on the way to complete "the rest of the story", but they haven't been released yet. I can't wait!!
The Formic War series was first formulated and published as a series of Marvel comics expanding the back story of Ender’s Game. Thankfully, Card and Johnson adapted these marvelous stories into long-form science fiction. This first book sets the stage for the invasion of Earth by the super-advance, insectoid aliens known as the Formics (Latin for ants).

The setting for the series is developed beautifully, especially surrounding the culture and economy of asteroid belt mining, a major focus of this first book. Free Miner clans spend generations in deep space mining metals from asteroids and sending material back to a lunar base and then Earth. They compete with mining corporations, who treat the Free Miners as pests while trying to assuage their insatiable hunger for territory and profit.

The primary story in EARTH UNAWARE centers around Victor Delgado, an engineer with a free miner family way out in the Kuiper Belt. His unlucky family is among the first to encounter the invading aliens and Victor realizes that a warning must be sent to Earth no matter the cost. However, fights and distrust between the various human groups in deep space make coordinating a response to alien invasion much more difficult than you might think. Much of the book focuses on absurd and very-human conflicts, even in the face of imminent doom. These sections of the book are excellent.

However, a substantial portion of the book was also devoted to a Special Forces group known as MOPs (I can’t remember what that is an acronym for, but something like world police) and their leader Wit. This storyline was seriously confusing in the context of this book, apparently only included because of the involvement of MOPs in the rest of the series. These sections definitely felt tacked on here and not necessary at all, and worse, it takes the reader away from the central storyline of Victor and the first encounters with the Formics.

Overall though, I enjoyed this one and look forward to continuing the series. Simple and easy reading, but tells a story worth hearing. Highly recommended.
This book (and the trilogy in general) were pretty mediocre. The plot suffers because the authors insist on a small handful of protagonists doing eeeeverything themselves, even when it doesn't particularly make sense for them to be the ones doing it. This eventually leads to the impression that most everyone else on Earth must be stupid, because everyone else is apparently just waiting around for the protagonists to do the obvious. Gimicky sci-fi gadgets or strategies that have glaringly-obvious applications for fighting the formics are introduced early, then it takes FOREVER for the characters to get around to finally using them the way you knew they would be used.

Perhaps most strangely, there are major continuity problems with what happens in this trilogy vs. what 'Ender's Game' said happened in the first formic wars.
I was looking forward to reading this and now wish I hadn't. A rip off, this book spends far too much time meandering about in long winded sub plots with uninteresting characters. I didn't think card could write a worse book than Empire, but this comes close. It makes promises it doesn't keep, then ends with a flat, resounding thud. If there is a sequel, I may pass on it. Very disappointing.
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